#The100DayProject / by Debra Matlock

#The100DayProject is a *free*, global art project. The idea is simple: commit to 100 days of making and sharing your progress on Instagram. Starting on April 2nd, ending July 10th.

This year I plan on doing 100 Days of Jerry Saltz, based on his wildly popular article, How to Be an Artist, 33 rules to take you from clueless amateur to generational talent (or at least help you live life a little more creatively). At first, I thought “I’ll just x3 each step.” But going through it, there are some exercises that could go longer and some ideas that definitely don’t need three days of contemplation (i.e. you will be poor.) Look for the hashtag #100DaysofJerrySaltz

Also I’m starting Season 2 of OCTOPIED, my web comic which runs from April Fool's Day to the first Tuesday in November.